helen's blog is already made and up.
she did that yesterday all i had to do was post it this a.m.
strikes me tho' that because she is 5 hours ahead of me in the UK she may already have been online and thought that her admin. assistant had let her down.
i may be getting reprimanded this week at our staff meeting.
she's past the 11th hour of the 11th day etc. so it's in effect, history now.
that will make sense if you check it out.
maybe i should have posted it last night.
well, what scintillating things can i tell you on this day 9?
i have given up the nabloblahblah thing but i still feel the need to blog about something.
well stand by your beds for this newsflash.
last night i did some ironing.
while i was watching dancing with the stars and bemoaning the fact that edyta sliwinska and i have NOTHING in common apart from the XX chromosomes

and i think she got more of one of the X's than me, i decided to swing into action and do some ironing. so that's what i did.
oh aye, it's all fun and games at clippy mat's house on a monday night.
m.o.h. was at work, it was just me and the cat.
and we watched DWTS together.
we liked Brooke this week, but we are still not fond of that Lacey chick.
oh and before that, after work that is i went boot shopping.
i needed some boots of the ankle length variety.
and i got two pairs. because they had two pairs on for $99 so that's a bargain right?
they were 70 bucks each separately so you do the math.
i know it's an advertising scam.
i'm not daft.
but still i felt good about it.
now my boots are not QUITE as sexy as this little number alas.

i'm more of your practical woman, but they are a tad similar. and the other pair is not.
how's that for descriptive?
yesterday the students in our program were talking about remembrance day.
some of them had been to a service on sunday where the last post was played and wreaths were layed at the war memorial.
so today we are going to centre our reading, writing and comprehension activities around that topic.
they seem really interested in it.
so i'm glad about that.
our students are adults, all over the age of 18 and the oldest is 46, i think.
they all went thru high school but because of their learning difficulties and delays their education was nearly always limited to 'helpful tasks' such as growing flowers, waste management, cooking or goofing off in general.
or for some of them, they just put in their time until someone said, 'bye bye'.
so few of them worked on the 3R's which is what we are doing now.
so that they can become employable.
a valued member of society.
(some of them prefer not to work, but the ministry of lazysods whom i work for, says otherwise so that's why i do what i do.)
where was i going with this?
ah yes, yesterday one of them asked me about the war and i started to talk about growing up as a child in the late 50's and early 60's (before YOU were born) in the UK, and how there were still air raid shelters around

where, hopefully, they couldn't see you'd wet your knickers and almost pooped your pants.
which reminds me of a bobby thompson joke. (see the youtube video from the other day re bobby)
WWII, bobby and wife fast asleep in bed.
bobby's wife: "bobby there's an air raid siren."
bobby. "get up and let's go to the shelter"
wife. wailing, "bobby i cannit find me teeth."
bobby, "they're droppin' bombs not pork samwiches."
that joke kills me.
every time.
The ironing is such a dreaded job. HATE IT.
The boots are cute, even if yours are not so cute? huh? don't ask.
I also have nothing in common w/ the dwts girls, well I did with Cloris, but she is gone now.
Your job sounds interesting, like you are doing good deeds trying to help others with day to day life. I like that.
LOVE the joke. very funny.
take care,
I had a relation who I never saw with his teeth, even on my wedding photos. His party piece was to crack walnut with his gums. Left his teeth down a sewer on a ledge and never did find them again.
Thanks for that image, Ken. I don't think I'll sleep tonight!
hi mom
im at vrons and havent got a lot of time but i promise i'll read this blog and the 0ther 6 or 7 youve done since ive last been on soon!
love you
xxx jenn
considering you thought you had nothing to say, that was a long post...LOL
Go to www.frugalshopper.ca for details of great deals etc. That's how I find a lot of my deals.
(I have a money saving post again on Thursday)
by the way I find ironing very therapeutic!!
suz: i'm thinking maybe i shoulda worn the boots when i was ironing?
and me and cloris had a lot more in common than me and edyta you're right.
as always, ta for the positive comments.
ken: that's too funny. especially after Mo's comments which followed yours. LOL
Gill: my kind of therapy involves chocolate and red wine. ironing is more like hard work.
thanks for the frugal shopper link.
i'll try that now.
and i'll be sure to read it on thursday.
cheers all.
I send my ironing out to an ironing service- have done so for well over ten years. I would rather live without wine than iron- I hate it and I am very bad at it ( no patient).
The service picks it up Monday night and it returns ironed and hung up on Tuesday. Money changes hands, and that's it. Marvellous
ps- Gill that British Woman. If you lived nearer I would send my ironing to you as part of your therapy. Anyone out there like sewing, and hanging curtains ( I can do neither)
I also have an ironing service for several months of the year. She's called great nanny noo noo, aka my ma in law. She's 85 and irons EVERYTHING, including tea towels, underwear and dishcloths! and no amount of talking will persuade her otherwise. She doesn't believe in folding clothes as they come out of the dryer either.
Can't change a lifetime of habits I suppose but I do have a spanking clean and tidy laundry room when she comes over to visit.
We love it.
Good on ye for your laundry service. I think that's GREAT.
Very similar to a pair of boots i recently bought in brown suede. They're Aerosole or something like that and actually quite comfy too. The heel is probably not as high. That's my nod to fashion this year.
I just want you to know that I took that 'little waster' joke perthonally!
expat mum:
i love those boots. mine are not quite as high in the heel, cos i'm a bit wobbly in me owld age.
ah nivvor caaled ye a little wasta.
I saw 'clippy mat' and I just knew you were a local lass! Great blog by the way.
so nice to meet you. i have just visited you and left some comments. hope to see you here again.
Cute boots! I bought some boots yesterday that you probably have heard of. They are Hunter rubber boots and I guess people from across the pond call them Wellys? I really like them and I got cute little Welly socks to go inside. Ok now I'll have to blog about them.
Love that joke!
Good job with the ironing. Doesn't it feel so much better when everything is clean?
I love the teeth thing. That was too funny!!
Ooh another stalker! Thanks for following my blog, I am not worthy!
And never mind that Edyta woman (Edyta??!!) - who is HE???????
The old jokes are the best. Amusing blog. Interesting the idea we must blog whatever. I'm a novice and still feeling my way. Have settled on twice a week but finding it difficult. Don't want to blog for the sake of it but it's difficult.
Have not forgotten about the quiz answers. Re dating work, how do I change dates on blogs. I'm hopeless re technicalities. Am losing it again as this is on the wrong blog. Never mind, eh!
hope everything's ok ... u haven't kept up with you everyday blogging! just checking in :)
whats going on here?
don't stop!!
you've kept us waiting a week?
I have a beautiful pair of similarly styled boots although with much thinner heels that John bought for me just before I had the stroke (an early hideously expensive birthday prezzie)they remain in their box unworn although I do take them out occasionally to stroke and reminisce - wonder if I'll ever get to wear them now as I spend most days in suede mocassin style slippers?!? I also have an unworn pair of ridiculously high black patent Mary-Janes that were de riguer just prior to stroke.Luckily my feet are bigger than my sis's or they'd have 'walked' by now
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